superSymbol( secType, symbol, currency, exchange, primaryExchange, expiry, strike, right, multiplier) Specify a security by more parameters
reqHistParam(security, barSize, goBack, endTime, whatToShow, useRTH, formatDate): Specify a historical data request by more parameters
calculate_profit(a_security): Calculate profit of a position.
create_order(action, amount, security, orderDetails, ocaGroup, ocaType, transmit, parentId): Create orders with more parameters. It can be used to place combination orders, take profit orders, stop loss orders and etc.
place_order_with_TP_SL(parentOrder, tpOrder, slOrder) : Place orders with takeprofit orders and stoploss orders.
place_combination_orders(legList): Place combination orders with legs.
show_nextId( ): Show the next valid ID. The major usage is to put it in ocaGroup when creating orders.
hold_any_position( ) : Return True if holding any positions. Return False if there is no any positions in the account.
Fix the bug of showing an error when internet disconnection happens: IBridgePy.IBAccountManager::search_in_end_check_list: cannot find any in self.end_check_list