IBridgePy is designed for algorithmic trading in python
IBridgePy is an Easiest algorithmic trading platform in Python. You can backtest and automated live trade, all together on your own computer. Interactive Brokers, TD Ameritrade and Robinhood are supported.
Available tutorial videos on YouTube
Tutorials on YouTube
Subscribe IBridgePy YouTube Channel
To watch all tutorials of IBridgePy YouTube channel, please subscribe to this channel and it is FREE.
Backtest Buy Low Sell High strategy for past 20 years
Zero commission trading with TD
From Idea to algorithmic trading
Intro to AI machine learning trading
- Intro to Free Debug Service
- Run multiple strategies on IBridgePy
- Install and run IBridgePy on Mac
- Run IBridgePy in Jupyter Notebook for Windows users
- A tutorial of IBridgePy configuration system
- Config Trader Workstation TWS & Gateway for IBridgePy
- Download and set up IBridgePy for Windows users
- Debug for “EXIT, initialize does not in”
- Debug for “Unable connect as the client id is already in use”
- Trading with TD Ameritrade on Windows: Get a refresh token
- Trading with TD Ameritrade: Get a refresh token without any coding
- Trading with TD Ameritrade using Python: Create an API key
- Intro of IBridgePy: backtest and live trading
Download instruction
The latest IBridgePy version is V 21.3.5 (Release note is here)
Users will be prompted to regularly upgrade IBridgePy to have the newly developed features and fewer bugs. The regular upgrade can be waived for Premium members. Please check out IBridgePy premium features
The scheduled next release date is Mar. 25th 2025.
- Windows Users must use Anaconda Python. We support Anaconda Python 3.7, 3.8, 3.9, 3.10 and 3.11. Please refer to the following tutorials for Windows users.
- Mac Users: Please use plain Python 3.7, 3.8, 3.9, 3.10 and 3.11. Please watch this tutorial about installing Python using “brew pip”: brew pip install python . Other tutorials for Mac users:
- Ubuntu Users: Please use plain Python 3.8 and 3.9 on Ubuntu.
- IBridgePyInDocker: A docker image about IBridgePy on Ubuntu Python 3.9
- IBridgePyInDocker for Apple Silicon: A docker image about IBridgePy on Ubuntu Python 3.9 for Apple Silicon users
Download Links
For windows users with Anaconda Python 3.7
>>> IBridgePy_Windows_Anaconda_Python_3.7 <<<
For windows users with Anaconda Python 3.8
>>> IBridgePy_Windows_Anaconda_Python_3.8 <<<
For windows users with Anaconda Python 3.9
>>> IBridgePy_Windows_Anaconda_Python_3.9 <<<
For windows users with Anaconda Python 3.10
>>> IBridgePy_Windows_Anaconda_Python_3.10 <<<
For windows users with Anaconda Python 3.11
>>> IBridgePy_Windows_Anaconda_Python_3.11 <<<
For Mac users with plain Python 3.7
>>> IBridgePy_Mac_Python_3.7 <<<
For Mac users with plain Python 3.8
>>> IBridgePy_Mac_Python_3.8 <<<
For Mac users with plain Python 3.9
>>> IBridgePy_Mac_Python_3.9 <<<
For Mac users with plain Python 3.10
>>> IBridgePy_Mac_Python_3.10 <<<
For Mac users with plain Python 3.11
>>> IBridgePy_Mac_Python_3.11 <<<
For Ubuntu users with plain Python 3.8
>>> IBridgePy_ubuntu_Python_3.8 <<<
For Ubuntu users with plain Python 3.9
>>> IBridgePy_ubuntu_Python_3.9 <<<
IBridgePy in Docker
>>> IBridgePy in Docker <<<
IBridgePy in Docker for Apple Silicon users
>>> IBridgePy in Docker for Apple Silicon<<<