The following sample code is to get historical data for VIX from Interactive Brokers if the user has the subscription to VIX at IB.
The function of superSymbol ( ) is to define the security.
data.history ( ) has the same signature as the same function at Quantopian.
def initialize(context): context.sec=superSymbol(secType='IND',symbol='VIX',currency='USD', exchange='SMART', primaryExchange='CBOE') def handle_data(context, data): print (data.history(context.sec, ['open', 'high', 'low', 'close'], 5, '1d')) end()
The following is the historical data obtained on Aug 28th 2017
open high low close 2017-08-22 12.60 12.94 11.35 11.35 2017-08-23 11.51 12.59 11.39 12.25 2017-08-24 12.06 12.83 11.55 12.23 2017-08-25 12.20 12.45 11.10 11.28 2017-08-28 12.09 12.11 11.23 11.77
I ran this example code but got error messages as follow:
#### Starting to initialize trader ####
## ACCOUNT Balance DU413327 ##
## NO any order ##
#### Initialize trader COMPLETED ####
IBridgePy.IBAccountManager: errorId = 1, errorCode = 162, error message: Historical Market Data Service error message:No market data permissions for CBOE IND
IBridgePy.IBAccountManager::check_timer: request_data failed after 30 seconds
IBridgePy.IBAccountManager::check_timer: notDone items in self.end_check_list
historyData reqId=1 IND,VIX,USD,SMART,CBOE status=Submitted waiver=False
IBridgePy.IBAccountManager::request_data: Re-send request info
IBridgePy.IBAccountManager: errorId = 2, errorCode = 354, error message: Requested market data is not subscribed.
IBridgePy.IBAccountManager: errorId = 2, errorCode = 162, error message: Historical Market Data Service error message:No market data permissions for CBOE IND
No market data permissions for CBOE IND — You need to contact with IB to subscribe VIX data
Does IB provide any historical data for free with paper trading? It would be nice to be able to reproduce the whole backtest.
Some data are free and some data are not. You may contact with IB directly about this questions.
Can one read higher frequency historical data in csv file ( say a 5 min OHLC data) for testing in IBridge?
You can supply historical data in csv files for any frequency to backtester. The basic rule is that users know what kind of historical data are needed in the code and supply them.
where can i find what to type to define nse trading symbols?