IBridgePy update information on 5/17/2017

The latest update of IBridgePy was on 5/17/2017

The added new features are as follows:

  • Add tif=’DAY’ in MarketOrder, LimitOrder, StopOrder

Time in force (TIF) is a special instruction used when placing a trade to indicate how long an order will remain active before it is executed or expires. Time-in-force options allow traders to be more specific about the time parameters in which an order is activated. Valid values are: DAY, GTC, IOC, GTD.

  • Add includeExpired in superSymbol

superSymbol funciton is used to defined securities/commodities that are trade-able at IB. The input parameter of includeExpired can be used when the products are expired already. The default value is False, which means the product is not expired.

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